Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Recover deleted files from Linux when processes are running

This morning I was running a big simulation and I decided to rsync my files through the computers at the office. It was late when I realized that I forgot to exclude the simulation's log file, and so this file was deleted from one of the running machines.

When a file is deleted, its name disappears from the file system, but the information is still being saved as long as the simulation is running. So in order to recover the information, I had to identify the PID of the simulation:

$ pgrep larva

Then I had to look for the files opened by the program:

$ ls -l /proc/18218/fd
0 -> /dev/null
1 -> /home/facorread/prog/larva.log (deleted)
2 -> /home/facorread/prog/larva.log (deleted)
3 -> /home/facorread/prog/larva.csv
5 -> pipe:[288212]

Now I can save the log to another file or just read how the program is going using commands such as

$ tail /proc/18218/fd/2
Thanks to Michael Stutz for his remarks on file recovery.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Disable Incognito Mode in Google Chrome

There are times in which a systems administrator may want to disable the Incognito mode of the browser. Unfortunately, such lockdown cannot be done using a configuration option. The only way I have been able to do so is at the source code level.
Before configuring the source code for compilation, apply this patch; then be patient while Chromium is built.
The patch has been tested with Chromium-9.0.597.94.